Little Tom Dogget, what dost thou mean,
To kill thy poor Colly, now she's so lean:
Sing , Oh poor Colly, Colly my Cow;
For Colly will give me now more milk now.
Pruh high, pruh hoe, Pruh high, pruh hoe,
Sing pruh, pruh, pruh, pruh, pruh, pruh,
Tal dal daw.

I had better have kept her, till fatter she had been,
For now I confess she was a little too lean:
Sing, Oh poor Colly, &c.
First in comes the Tanner, with his sword by his side;
And he bids me five Shillings, for my Cows hide:
Sing, Oh poor Colly, &c.

@animal @death
filename[ COLLYCW2
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