I am a miller tae my trade
And that sae weel ye ken oh
I am a miller tae my trade
And that sae well ye ken oh
I am a miller tae my trade, aye
And mony a sack o' meal I've made
And mony a lassie I hae laid
At the back o' the sacks o' meal oh

As merrily as the wheel gaes roond
The rate sae weel ye ken oh (2x)
Oh as merrily as the wheel gaes roond
Wi' grinding peas and corn oh
A better job was never foond
Since ever I was born oh

It happened ae nicht in June
When I was in mysel' oh (2x)
Oh the lassie cam' tripplin' doon the lane, said
"I hear your mill a clackin' in
Aye and I thocht that I would look in
For tae see if you're in yoursel' oh"

"You're welcome here, my bonnie lass
You're welcome here for aye oh (2x)
You're welcome here, my bonnie lass
Aye, whit's the news that I maun hear
Will ye consent tae bide wi' me
Aye, and bide wi' me for aye oh?"

The laughin' lassie gied a smile
She said she couldna tell oh (2x)
Oh the lauchin' lassie gied a smile
She said, "Young man ye'll wait a while
When I hear your mill a clackin' in
The ye'll hae me tae yoursel' oh"

I kissed her lips as sweet as honey
As sweet as honeydew oh (2x)
I kissed her lips as sweet as honey
Until a tear cam' in here e'e
"Oh I'll leave my mammy a' for thee
Aye, and I'll bide wi' ye for aye oh

@Scottish @work @courtship
recorded by Ray Fisher
who got it from Lucy Stewart
see also MAIDMILL
filename[ MILLTRAD
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