(Walter Watson/Tony Cuffe (ca. 1854))

Sit doon here my cronies, and gie us your crack
Let the wind tak' the care o' this life on its back
Oor hearts tae despondency we never will submit
For we've aye been provided for, and sae will we yet

And sae will we yet, and sae will we yet
For we've aye been provided for, and sae will we yet

So fill us a tankard o' nappy brown ale
It'll comfort our hearts and enliven the tale
For we'll aye be the merrier the langer that we sit
For we drank thegither mony's the time, and sae will we yet

And sae will we yet, and sae will we yet
For we drank thegither mony's the time, and sae will we yet

Here's a health to the farmer, and prosper his plough
Rewarding his eident toils a' the year through
For the seed-time and harvest we ever will get
For we've lippen'd aye tae Providence, and sae will we yet

And sae will we yet, and sae will we yet
For we've lippen'd aye tae Providence, and sae will we yet

So fill up your glass, let the bottle gae roun'
For the sun it will rise, tho' the moon hae gaen doon
And tho' the room be rinnin roun' aboot, it's time enough tae flit
When we fell we aye got up again, and sae will we yet

And sae will we yet, and sae will we yet
When we fell we aye got up again, and sae will we yet

@drink @Scottish
filename[ SAEWILL
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