There's a beautiful home far over the sea
With mansions of bliss for you and for me
Oh, the beautiful home so wondrously fair
That the Savior for me has gone to prepare

There's a beautiful home far over the sea
There's a beautiful home for you and for me
Its glittering towers the sun outshines
That beautiful home someday shall be mine
(call/response for each phrase)

In that beautiful home a crown I shall wear
With the glorified throng their glory to share
But the joys of that home can never be known
'Till the Savior we see upon His white throne

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PLEASE NOTE: Because of the volunteer nature of The Digital Tradition, it is difficult to ensure proper attribution and copyright information for every song included. Please assume that any song which lists a composer is copyrighted ©. You MUST aquire proper license before using these songs for ANY commercial purpose. If you have any additional information or corrections to the credit or copyright information included, please e-mail those additions or corrections to us (along with the song title as indexed) so that we can update the database as soon as possible. Thank You.