Oh there was a little drummer
And he loved a one [wall]-eyed cook
And he loved her, oh he loved her
Though she had a cock-eyed look,

cho: With her one eye in the pot
And the other up the chimney
With a bow-wow-wow
Fal-lal the dow-a-diddy

When this couple went a-courtin'
For to walk along the shore,
Sez the drummer to the cookie,
"You're the girl that I adore."

When this couple went a-courtin'
For to walk along the pier,
Sez the cookie to the drummer,
"An' I love you too my dear. "

Sez the drummer to the cookie,
"'Ain't the weather fine today?"
Sez the cookie to the drummer,
"Is that all ye got to say?"

Sez the drummer to the cookie
"Will I buy thy weddin' ring? "
Sez the cookie, "Now you're talkin'.
That would be the very thing."

Sez the drummer to the cookie,
"Will ye name the weddin' day?"
Sez the cookie "We'll be married
In the merry month of May."

When they went to church to say
"I will" the drummer got a nark,
For her one eye gliffed the Parson,
And the other killed the clerk.

nark: "a disagreeble surprise caused by a person, and not by a
gliff: "frighten"
From Strawberry Fair, 51 Traditional Songs, A&C Black
Recorded by Ives, Bellafonte
filename[ DRUMCOOK
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