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In a cavern, in a canyon
In the shadow of a hill
It was there I kept a cathouse
With my oldest brother Bill.

Oh at first we didn't prosper
Then we started doing fine
When a gal came down from Jasper
by the name of Clementine

She was plain, she was scrawny,
And she had no gift of gab,
But she had the kind of quim, boys,
That would reach right out and grab.

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.

So our days were full of laughter
And our nights were filled with song,
Our safe was stuffed with money
Clementine was stuffed with dong.

Then this dude came down from Jasper
And at last she'd met her match,
Cause he had a rifled member
But she had a smooth bore snatch.


Brother Bill was first to notice
So he shouted to her "turn!"
But before this word was spoken
She was split from stem to stern.

Every day down by the grave yard
When they toll the mission bell
We lay of wreath of roses
Round the quim we loved so well.


note: as sung by The Highgraders, San Francisco, early 60s - ES

@parody @bawdy @cowboy
filename[ CLEMENT3

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