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HARD TIMES IN DIXIE (words, M.K.; Music, Eugarps) Hear the mournful music swell, It's hard times in Dixie! Hear Rebellion's fun'ral knell! Hard times in Dixie! Ev'rything is going wrong, Rations short and faces long, And the burden of their song Is hard up in Dixie. cho: Rations up and funds so low, Foemen come and niggers go, Worst of all the Yankees know We're hard up in Dixie! Grant is close upon their track It's hard times in Dixie! Southern fire won't turn him back Hard times in Dixie! With his heroes tested well What cares he for shot and shell Southern brag or Southern swell They're hard up in Dixie! Uncle Abe don't flinch a bit For hard times in Dixie! Tough as any rail he's split Hard up in Dixie! Holding out his honest hands Welcoming all loyal bands Abraham well understands They're hard up in Dixie! Butler with his soldiers true Makes hard times in Dixie! When he came the Rebels knew Hard times in Dixie! Johnny Reb don't see the fun Want begins and credit's done White man works and darkey runs They're hard up in Dixie! Beat the drum and toll the bell For hard times in Dixie! Chant Rebellion's fun'ral knell Hard times in Dixie! And while over land and sea Floats the banner of the free Traitors shall forever be Hard up in Dixie! From Songs of the Civil War, Silber @American @Civil @war filename[ HARDIXIE TUNE FILE: HARDIXIE CLICK TO PLAY RG APR99 |