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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Shel Silverstein)

A man came to our house to our house to our house
A man came to our house to sell some brooms
We asked him to come in and we hit him with a hammer
And we put him in the closet in my father's room

You're always welcome at our house
Any time of the day
You're always welcome at our house
And we hope you will stay

A woman came to our house to our house to our house
A woman came to our house to see why I wasn't at school
We asked her to come in and we gave her poison lemonade
We hid her in the cellar (put her in the freezer) where it's nice and cool

A boy came to our yard to our yard to our yard
A boy came to our yard to get his little ball
We asked him to come in and we shot him with a 22
And we sealed him up inside the basement wall

So when you ome to our house, to our house, to our house
When you come to our house, we'll have some fun
Yes, we'll ask you to come in
And we'll take you to the kitchen
And we'll put you in the oven till you're nice and done.

copyright Shel Silverstein
@murder @kids
filename[ OURHOUSE

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