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ROSH HASHANA (to the tune of Oklahoma)
(Marty Goldensohn & Jim Bouton) Hashana, it's the favorite holiday of Jews,
You work half a day,
While the goyim stay.
There are rabbis featured on the news! Hashana, is it 2, 4, 8, or 7 days?
Is this the one with candles?
Do we not wear leather sandals?
Are we bummed out, manic, or just gay? Hashana, it's the New Year even though it ain't,
Guy Lombardo's not in town
And a ball does not come down,
But you can blow ram's horns until you faint.

We know we belong to the shul
And the shul we belong to is cool
And when we say, "Oy.............. vay!"
Forgive my sins today
We're only saying: we're doing fine
Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah OK Hashana, you can park your car on either side,
You don't have to call your mother,
'Cause she's right there with your brother
Who says he "loved her dinner," but he lied. Hashana, time to give your life a second look.
Men will read the Torah,
And dance the Hora,
Or kvetch in a corner like a schnook. Hashana you can dip your challah in some mush,
Eat a pickled fish, and take a pish,
But a goyim has to come and flush. Hashana, you don't have to stay at home and pray.
You can drive up to the Catskills
And multiply your fat cells
They've got rabbis hired by the day.

We know we belong to the shul
And the shul we belong to is cool
And when we say, "Oy................ vay!"
Forgive my sins today
We're only saying: we're doing fine Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah OK,

@seasonal @Jewish @parody

Copyright 1992 by Marty Goldensohn & Jim Bouton
filename[ ROSHANA

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