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(Circa 1745?)
-recorded by The Silly Sisters

Ah, who will play the Silver Whistle?
When my King's son to sea is going?
As Scotland prepares; prepares his coming!
Upon a dark ship on the ocean......

The ship it has three masts of silver
With ropes so light, of French silk woven!
So bonnie then, are six golden pulleys
To bring my King's son ashore, and landing.....

When my King's son he comes back home
No bruising stones will put before him!
Loaves of bread, bread will be baking
For Charles, with eyes so blue, enticing.......

Ah, welcome to you, Fame and Honour!
Pipes with tunes of joy attend you!
I will be dancing! I will be singing!
And I will play the Silver Whistle.............

And I will play the Silver Whistle!

filename[ SILVWHIS

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DT Lyrics:

In Mudcat MIDIs:
Co Sheinneas An Fhideag Airgid? (see Silver Whistle)
Silver Whistle (First verse & chorus - Translated from Gaelic: Co Sheinnea)
Silver Whistle (subsequent verses and chorus)


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