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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Jackson Browne)

Oh people, look around you, the signs are everywhere
You've left it for someone other than you to be the one to care.
You're lost inside your houses, there's no time to find you now.
Oh your walls are burning, and your towers are turning,
I'm gonna leave you here and try to get down to the sea somehow.

cho: Rock me on the water, sister won't you soothe my fevered brow,
Rock me on the water. I'll get down to the sea somehow

The road is filled with homeless souls, every woman child and man
Who have no idea where they will go
But they'll help you if they can
Everyone must do his part, that's gonna pull us thru somehow
Oh the fire is ragin' hotter & hotter
But the sisters of the sun are gonna rock me on the water now.

Oh people, look above you, it's there your hope must lie
There's a seabird above you, gliding in one place,
Like Jesus in the sky
We all must do the best we can, and hang on to that Gospel plow
When my life is over, gonna stand before the father,
And the sisters of the sun are gonna rock me on the water now.

Rock me on the water. The wind is with me now ...

filename[ ROCKWATR

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