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Here's a health to the jolly blacksmith
The best of all fellows
He works at his anvil
While the boy blows the bellows
Which makes his bright hammer
To rise and to fall
There's the old coal, and the young coal
And the old coal of all
Twanky dillo, twanky dillo
Twanky dillo, dillo, dillo, dillo
And the roaring pair of bagpipes
Made from the green willow

If a gentleman comes
With his horse to be shoed
He will make no denial
To one pint or two
Which makes his bright hammer
To rise and to fall
There's the old coal, and the young coal
And the old coal of all
Twanky dillo, twanky dillo
Twanky dillo, dillo, dillo, dillo
And the roaring pair of bagpipes
Made from the green willow

Here's a health to the pretty girl
The one I love best
She kindles her fire
All in her own breast
Which makes his bright hammer
To rise and to fall
There's the old coal, and the young coal
And the old coal of all
Twanky dillo, twanky dillo
Twanky dillo, dillo, dillo, dillo
And the roaring pair of bagpipes
Made from the green willow

Here's a health to our king
And likewise our queen
And to all the royal family
Where'ere they are seen
Which makes his bright hammer
To rise and to fall
There's the old coal, and the young coal
And the old coal of all
Twanky dillo, twanky dillo
Twanky dillo, dillo, dillo, dillo
And the roaring pair of bagpipes
Made from the green willow

Green willow, Green willow
Green willow, willow, willow, willow
And the roaring pair of bagpipes
Made from the green willow

note: A Copper family song; I learned it from John Mayberry and Jamie
Beaton at Pinewoods Camp. It's on their tape, "Neither Drunken
Nor Sober." Public domain. ASM

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