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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Quietly:) There was a lady all skin and bones,
And such a lady was never known.
Oh, she walked out all on a day.
Yes, she walked down to the church to pray.

Oh, she walked up and she walked down,
And she spied a dead man on the ground.
And from his nose into his chin,
The worms crept out and the worms crept in.

(Quieter now:) She walked over to yonder stile,
And there she tarried a little while.
Then she walked on, up to the door,
And there she tarried a little more.

(Really quiet now:) This woman to the parson said,
"Will I be so when I am dead?"
The parson to the woman said,
(Very loud:) "YES!"

Published in "American Folk Tales and Songs," edited by Richard Chase, 1956.
filename[ SKINBONE

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