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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rasener Your Favorite Family Short Story? (26) RE: Your Favorite Family Short Story? 17 Mar 04

Not necesarily a story but, when My autistic daughter used to go to bed, I sang a verse of a song to her once and finished up singing it everynight for about a year.

All I sang was
Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.

and thenn kept repeating it.

I remembered it from Peter Paul and Mary, but couldn't remember the rest. Eventually I saw that old Lp's of theirs had been put on CD. So I bought it -Peter Paul and Mary Moving.

The song was called Gone the rainbow

I played it too her and her eyes lit up and from then on I had to sing all the song. That will teach me. :-)


Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.

Here I sit on Buttermilk Hill;
who could blame me, cry my fill;
Every tear would turn a mill,
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.

I sold my flax, I sold my wheel,
to buy my love a sword of steel;
So it in battle he might wield,
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.

Oh my baby, oh, my love,
gone the rainbow, gone the dove.
Your father was my only love;
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.

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