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Stewart Songs about getting really old? - 1 (161* d) Lyr Add: OLD FRIENDS (Mary McCaslin) 03 Jun 07

OLD FRIENDS -- Mary McCaslin

I saw an old friend the other day, in San Francisco, by the bay.
It took me back to only yesterday, the years somehow let slip away.
We laughed and talked about the days gone by, and brushed a tear away with a sigh.
We promised not to let it be this long, like the old refrain from an old, old song.

Remember old friends we've made along the way.
The gifts they've given stay with us every day.

Looking back it makes me wonder, where we've gone and how long we'll stay.
I know the road brings rain and thunder, but for the journey, what will we pay?
I often think the time get crazier as this old world goes 'round and 'round,
But just the memory makes it easier, as the highway goes up and down.

Lately word's been coming back to me, there's a few I will no longer see.
Their faces will be seen no more along the road, there'll be a few less hands to hold.
But for the ones whose journey's ended, though they started so much the same.
In the hearts of those befriended, burns a candle with a silver flame.

A very late answer to Barbara's request 20 Dec 05
And a sound clip HERE .
One of my favorite songs by Mary.

Cheers, S. in Seattle

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