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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
MMario Lyr Req: Black Leather Band (6) Lyr Add: BLACK LEATHER BAND^^ 21 Sep 00


In a neat little town called Gamora
In a case of distress I was found
And many's the hour of happiness
I spent there while I was tied down

Oh, the moonlight gleamed off her handcuffs
As she gave me the back of her hand
And the whip cracked down as I lay there
Tied up with her black leather band

I tried my best for to please her
As I fed her grapes and I fanned
For only the wealthiest slaves get the pleasure
of wearing her black leather band

She liked to go strolling down Broadway
On a short leash I couldn't go far
Reined in by that frolicsome damsel
With a tattoo and a dagger shaped scar

I woke one day from my lust for her
And the laces I took from me hand
When she came, I put her in position
Tied up with her own leather band

So come ' all you randy young fellows
When a woman takes advantage of ye
Enjoy it as long as you like, me lads
Then turn her right over your knee

Line Breaks <br> added.
-Joe Offer-

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