A to F


a bhean udai thall a shigo

A Cat Catch Robert Brown - 1710

A Catch On Cats Michael Wise - 1685

A Caveat For Cutpurses (Packington's Pound)

A Good Glass Of Ale

A Fisherman's Song For Attracting Seals

A Good Glass Of Ale (ABC)

A mother's love's a blessing

a Nansai mhile 'gradh

a Neansai mhile 'gra

a oganaigh oig

A-Gathering Nuts

Abraham's Daughter A civil war song

Abroad As I Was Walking

Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy (Copper Family)

Albatross By Malvina Reynolds (Main Tune)

Albatross (Last Verse)

Alice's Restaurant

All Among The Barley

All hail the power

All In A Garden Green

All My Life's A Circle, By Harry Chapin

All Things Are Quite Silent (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

All Used Up By U. Utah Phillips

Alma Mater (Cornell)

Amelia Earhart

Anacreontic Song

Anchor's aweigh version 1

Anchor's aweigh version 2

An Cailin Rua (The Red-Headed Girl)

an fhallaingin mhuimhneach

An mhaighdean Mhara

An mhaighdean Mhara (other tune)

And The Moon Was Shining Clear

Andrea's Waltz (ABC) by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Andromeda The Beautiful

Animal Fair, The


ardaigh cuain

Are ye right there Michael? – Percy French

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

a stor mo chroi

As I Roved Out (Planxty Version), Lyrics embedded

As Sylvie Was Walking (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

As time goes by

Asleep At The Switch 1897 (A Train Song)

Bachelor's Hall

Bachgen Bach O Dincar

Ballad of Cursed Anna, The

Ballad of Davy Crockett

Ballad of Sharpeville, The


Balulalow - (traditional Scottish)

Banks of the Dee

Banks Of Green Willow, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Banks Of Newfoundland, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Banks Of Sweet Primroses, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Banks of the Wabash

Barley Straw Lyrics embedded

Basket of eggs

Basket of eggs (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Be Thou My Vision

Beautiful Dreamer

Beer, Beer, Beer (Charlie Mopps)

Benjamin Bowmaneer (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Been ridin'

beinn a 'cheathaich

Beverly Hillbillies Theme

Black and white

Billy Barlow A civil war song

Bird in a Gilded Cage

Black Bear, The - a traditional pipe march sequenced by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Blackbird of Avondale

Blacksmith, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind

Blues in the night

Blue Tail Fly

Boats of Peter's River

Bold Benjamin, The

Bold Benjamin, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Bold Jack Donahue The Aussie bushranger

Bold Lovell

Bold Robber, The

Bonny Earl of Moray, The (The song that gave us the word "mondegreen")

Bonny Grey, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Bonny moorhen, My

Boo's Reel (ABC) by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Both sides the Tweed

Boys from Killibegs, The

Boys of the Barr na Sraide

Bramble and the Briar, The

Bramble Briar, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Brennan on the moor

Brian Boru's March (fast - with accompaniment)

Brian Boru's March (slower - melody only)

Bridget Flynn

Bridget O'Malley

Bringing In The Sheaves

Broomfield Hill, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

bruach na Carriaige Baine

Buffalo Gals

Burlington Berty from Bow

Buy Broom Besoms

Cakes And Ale A catch by Henry Purcell

Cambourne Hill

Cait o gharran a 'bhile

Cambrian colliery disaster, The

Candyman, The

Carol of the birds, The

casadh an tsugain (common version)

Castle of Dromore, The

Cat Came Back, The (version 1)

Cat Came Back, The (version 2)

Catch Me If You Can

Charlie Mopps

Celia Learning On The Spinnet John Isum - 1685

Christmas Day in the Morning

Chuaigh me na Rossan

Church In The Wildwoods (First version)

Church In The Wildwoods (Second version)

Clare to here

Closing, The - (c)Jeri Corlew

Co Sheinneas An Fhědeag Airgid? (O Who Will Play The Silver Whistle?) see “Silver Whistle”

Coal-Black Smith, The or The Two Magicians (Child #44)

Coastline of Mayo

Cock-Fight, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Cock of the Morning


Coleraine Regatta (from John Moulden's "Songs of the people", selections from the Sam Henry Collection, Belfast 1979)

Coleraine Regatta  (Arranged by Paul Brady & Mick Moloney)

Colin and Phoebe

Come and I will sing you

Come by the hills

Connemara cradle song, The

Corbie And The Crow, The

Cornish Lads

Cornish May Carol

Cotton Mill Girls

Coulter's candy



Cruel Mother, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Cruel Ship's Captain, The Lyrics embedded

Crusader's March, the - a traditional Scottish march sequenced by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Culloden's harvest

Cushendun Bay

Cursed Anna, The ballad of

Cuckoo, The

Cyclone of Rye Cove, The (Harmony in Chorus)

Dancers of Stanton Drew, The

Danville Girl (2)

Daughter Of Peggy, O, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Day Is Past And Gone as sung by Jean Ritchie, The

Dead Dog Scrumpy

Death And The Lady (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Death Of Queen Jane, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Death Of Queen Jane, The (version 2 with lyrics embedded)

Death Of Queen Jane version 2

Desert silvery blue

Deserter From Kent, The

Deserter From Kent, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Devil and the Farmer's wife, The

Devil And The Ploughman, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Dewy Dens of Yarrow, The A version of Child #214

Diamantina Drover, The

Dimming Of The Day, The

Dirty old town

Do You Hear Me My Brown Haired Maiden (An Cluinn Thu Mi Mo Nigheann Donn)

Donald Caird's Come Again

Donald where's your troosers?

Donal Og

Down And Out

Down by the riverside

Down in the Coal Mine

Down the plughole (Dahn the plug'ole)


Dragonfly - (c)Jeri Corlew

Droylsden Wakes (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Dublin City

Duke Of Athol

Duke Of York (The Grand Old)


The Dumb Wife

Durham Gaol – Jez Lowe

Duw, It's Hard (Max Boyce)

Dying Stockman, The 1

Dying Stockman, The 2

Eamann Mhaga/ine

eanach dhuin

Earl of Moray, The (The song that gave us the word "mondegreen")

Eddie Baker's Muckspreader (John Kirkpatrick)


Eileen Oge


Eternal Father Strong To Save

Evergreen - (c)Jeri Corlew

Fagan The Cobbler

Faith of our Fathers (3/4)

Faith of our Fathers (4/4)

False Bride, The (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)


Fare Thee Well, My Dearest Dear (from The Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs)

Farewell to Ireland

Farewell to Reason - (c)Jeri Corlew

Farewell to Reason / Frosty's Denial - (c)Jeri Corlew

Farewell to Ireland

Farewell to the Maigue (Sla/n le Ma/igh)

Farewell to the Monty

Farewell to the Rhonda valley

Farewell To Whiskey

Feel So Near

Fionnghuala Lyrics embedded

Firelock Stile

First Thing, The (ABC) by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Fishermen's song, The

Flower Of Scotland

Forty shades of green, The

Fox and the hare,The

Friggin' In The Riggin'

Frosty's Denial - (c)Jeri Corlew

From Clare to here

From the cold sod that o'er you (Ta/im si/nte ar do thuama)

Furry Day Carol





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