I read a letter in a paper recently which suggested giving George another liver transplant - his old liver. OK,so he's a tortured man, but, having come so close to death AND taking the transplant option, surely he should have a little more responsibility. He says that he can't stop drinking, a fact that he must have been aware of prior to the transplant, so why possibly take away someone else's chance of life if he couldn't look after his own? If he really wanted to stop he has the wherewithall to get the best psychological/psychiatric treatment but, it would appear, just wants to follow his own selfish lifestyle. Sorry, I've got no sympathy - I do carry a donor card and would not want to make any conditions on the use of any of my organs but this man is taking the piss. He's also not helping the cause of organ donation, is he, and who's going to suffer for that? I know a lovely family where father has just had a kidney transplant after nearly five years on dialysis and know how much someone else's generosity can mean. I also knew a wonderful guy who didn't get his heart transplant in time and died at the age of 49. Best might just have persuaded some people, or their relations after death that donating organs can be a waste of time. How many lives might be lost or blighted as a result? The man had the opportunity for a really good life, based on his undeniable talent. He has let a lot of people down on the way, including his fans.