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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
nancyjo Humor- Singing songs to wrong melody (25) Humor- Singing songs to wrong melody 27 Aug 03

In reading some old posts, I came across mention of singing Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligans Island. The result cracked everyone at work up -especially when repeating "was blind but now I see" twice, just like "a three hour tour".

This gave me an idea for entertainment at an event coming up, and I was wondering what other combinations people have come up with? When I was a kid, my dad would sing The Marines Hymn to the tune of My Darling Clementine. And I remember singing the words to Robert Frost's "Stopping by woods on a snow evening" to Hernando's Hideaway.

Was this ever a thread before? If so, can someone tell me what search words to use?
Does anyone have any more suggestions? Thanks in advance.


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