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nancyjo Lyr Req: (No Need) Pissin' on a Skunk (Adegbalola) (7) Lyr Req: song by Saffire-Uppity Blues Women 10 Sep 03

I posted this request yesterday and got no reponses, so I thought I'd post again with a different subject, hoping someone knew the group. Here's the original request -
Saffire-The Uppity Blues Women recorded a song called (No Need) Pissin' on a Skunk. It's on the album HOT FLASH, and according to it was written by Gaye Adegbalola, one of the women in Saffire. I have checked for the title under "N" for no need, under "P" for pissin' and under "A" for the actual words "ain't no need pissin' on a skunk". Can anyone send me the lyrics for the song? Thanks so much.


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