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Bert Hansell Why live music? (69* d) RE: Why live music? 08 Aug 97

La Marca,

Years ago (in the late fifties) I served an apprenticeship as a boilermaker. It was quite common then, to hear guys singing while they worked. Sometimes the latest pop or at other times maybe a bawdy parody. Or even just an altered phrase; I heard one guy sing "I'm a little bit peculiar in an onion patch".

I've not heard many people sing at work since then, unless they worked in a very close team.

I think it's a "shyness" thing myself, if someone thinks that no one can hear, either because they are alone or because there is high background noise, then they are quite likely to sing.

It would be completely unacceptable where I work now; in an open office with people using the phone.

TTFN, Bert.

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