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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
nancyjo How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat? (118* d) RE: How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat? 03 Oct 03

Well, I'm still a newbie I guess - 3 or 4 months. I am not a newbie to being part of a mailing list on the Internet. I think it'd be very intersting to see what other "lists" these folks belong to/post to. I've been a part of the Neil Young list (rust) for almost 10 years. (And by the way, "troll" is very often used there.) I also belong to a mystery book list, a Rawhide list (which frequently side-tracks to other cowoby shows) and three lists related to my job (reference librarian).

I'd say this list is not as clique-ish as some, more so than others. I don't feel I belong - yet. I've been frustrated in my request for song lyrics for all 3 songs I've asked for, with no success. And also frustrated when I contributed the correct lyrics to a song and got no response. I did make a goof in the discussion on the list of best guitar players and asked about George Harrison when it turned out he WAS on the list, so maybe I have a reputation of being an air-head??

Also on a few occasions I've responded off-list to someone, always with a compliment (e.g. liked their humor) and have yet to have anyone answer me. This makes me feel rebuffed.

On the technical side, I have a question. On more than one occasion, I've searched the lyric database for a song and gotten zero hits. But when I do the advanced search with key words, I find the song in an email. And it has the same title that I searched for when I searched the list. This puzzles me. When a message is title "Lyr. added", I guess it doesn't necessarily mean it's in the database, just that someone is posting the lyrics in an email?

On the totally plus side, I have answered reference questions from the database, and so am very appreciative.


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