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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Len Wallace banjo jokes (32) RE: banjo jokes 06 Oct 03

Okay, okay, I can't resist. From an accordion player ( and I HAVE heard all the accordion jokes . . . and i also Love them).

The WORST and MEANEST banjo joke in the world:
How many banjo players does it take to eat a possum?
Two. One to eat the possum and one to look for the headlights coming down the road.

Why do banjo players put their banjos on the dashboard of their cars?
In order to park in the handicapped parking spots.

a banjo/accordion joke:
When you go into a parking lot how can you tell which car is owned by a professional banjo/accordion player?
It's the one with the Dominoes Pizza box on the aerial.

Len Wallace

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