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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
darkriver BS: Please help me make decent coffee! (86* d) RE: BS: Please help me make decent coffee! 14 Oct 03


funny that you mention Arbuckles. I well recall this passage from
Katie Lee's Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle, about Arbuckles.

She quotes an old friend:

"Yup, cowboys is fussy about the stoutness of their brew.
When Bob Heckle and me was keepin' a brandin' camp fer strays
near Thumb Butte one spring, we come down for supplies 'n found
the whole dang town outta Arbuckles coffee, the only kind we would use.
Well, I bought another brand, fergit what, and heads on
back t' camp by our little stream up in the junipers.
Next morning I rolls out, makes the coffee and calls Bob.
As I recall he got a little fire-bellied in town and wasn't
too spry come sunup. He takes a good round mouthful of that
coffee and lets 'er fly -- sprays all over me, the camp,
the bacon 'n eggs, everything.
I says, 'What the hell's the matter, you latch on to a scorpion?'
He says, 'Christ! Where'd ya git that bellywash?' I told him
they didn't have no Arbuckles. 'Jesus!' he spits, 'I cud stick
a coffee bean up m'ass and wade through the crick and git stronger
coffee than that!'" . . .

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