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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bob Landry MudCat Tavern - Round 7 (91* d) RE: MudCat Tavern - Round 7 13 Aug 99

I've been watching and marvelling at the abilities of your super-duper coffee/expresso/latte/panther piss machine. Can it serve my favourite go-go juice? ... Vietnamese ice coffee? The six cups of Columbian dark i've had so far today don't seem to do satisfy my craving for a caffeine fix. And while I'm here, do yas all mind if I try out this new set of mismatched hubcaps I picked up while searching for the wire wheel cover that fell off my car last week? I'll play as quietly as the hubcaps will allow. Hey, cleigh, get off my leg and use the bush!


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