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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Big Mick, live from the struggle BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis (103* d) RE: BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis 12 Nov 03

Friggin' small town newspapers. In Detroit, Phoenix, or Boston, no one even raises an eyebrow when I parade around in my thong with the spud in the back. Here it makes the damn front pages.

And to set the record straight, oops wrong term,..... to correct the written record, I only put a sack of potatoes in the back of the thong to provide a counterweight. Otherwise I would fall flat on my face. Well......actually I wouldn't be on my face, it would look more like an inclined......never mind.

Dear Ms. ooomma...booma... whatever. You aren't shitting anyone here lady...I know you aren't after my money. That is just a want the damn thong and I ain't given it up.

Ever since Jeri suggested that the lot of you might show up, I have been sitting here in my room wearing a chicken suit. What gives, I am waiting. Jeri......I have a special outfit for you. You are going to dress up as a map of Poland and I am going to dress as a Stuka Dive Bomber, I think it will re-invigorate our relationship.....hahaha

I wish that Mary Garvey had not mentioned the Catholic schoolgirl I haven't been able to sleep on my stomach since. In fact, I haven't been able to sleep since.......

Ahhhhhhh.....the FAIR ONE (don't have time to format, on a library computer, imagine a rainbow) whom I relentlessly pursue over cyber hill and dale, as if I am not struggling with enough with all this I have to think of cairns and know. Australia here I soon as I can stop these fecking modern day robber barons from decimating health insurance and pensions.

Folks, all kidding aside, you have performed a miracle. You made me smile, indeed laugh out loud. This thread reminds me of the Mudcat that we all came to love. I needed it desperately. When one is living in hotels, in Cities far from home, and looking at the faces of folks that are counting on you to help them in their struggle to maintain a decent future for them and their kids, there is tendency to sink into the fight. There is a war being waged in the USA these days. It is against terrorism, but not the one that Shrub wants you to focus on. It is a battle for the soul of this land. The battle should be about providing health care and prescription drugs for all. Instead it is about taking those things away from decent, hardworking folks. We should be providing more educational opportunites, but if the powers that be get away with what they are accomplishing here, fewer will be able to afford it.

Yep.........I needed this thread. It rescued me from the darkness that I started to slip into. Thank You. I love you all.

If we don't take up this fight, who will. If we don't do it now, we may never be able to again.

Now....where did I put that damn ring??????


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