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Bob Landry Your most recent 10 songs (246* d) RE: Your most recent 10 songs 17 Aug 99

Monday, August 9, when Steve Parkes, his buddy Steve Poole and a few of my musician buddies came to my house, we sang for over 3 hours. A mix of folk, blues and Rock'N Roll. Here are some of the ones I led:

Giant - Stan Rogers
Barrett's Privateers - Stan Rogers
Mary Had A Little Lamb - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Stormy Monday - a la T-Bone Walker
Fisherman's Wharf - Stan Rogers
Streets of London -
Riverboat Fantasy - David Wilcox
V'la Le Bon Vent - Canadian Trad
St. Anne's Reel - Trad (flat picked this one)
Brown-Eyed Girl - Van Morrisson


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