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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Claymore BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'? (81* d) RE: BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'? 02 Dec 03

Sorry for the mispellings, though one input was done at 2 in the morning and the other at the end of the next day. However I think if that is the best you can do, you're hurting.

Of the rest to the comments, they are too "Stilly" to comment on, with the exception of Ebbies (who should look up the accepted use of ""). Congress mandates that part of my statistics contain what is known as the six and twelve month survey. An independant agency of the Dept of Labor conducts a survey of my graduates to determine:
1. Are the kids working,
2. What is their wage
3. Is it a Job Training Match (JTM) IE. Does the job they hold match the training they received?

Although the numbers vary (my 12 month wage is highest in the Nation, JTMs 7th, etc) my overall is third. Two Job Corps Centers in Puerto Rico always beat me out. But it was a good question...

As for the validation of the Iraq "strategery", you will note that the country sits square in the middle of the Iran, Syria, Saudi triangle. Should that country come under some form of democratic rule, it will disengage and isolate what up to now has been a relatively united front against Israel. Yes, each has had quarrels and, in some cases, wars against each other. But if we are to have any success in breaking the Jewish-Arab stalemate, we must break up the coalition of hatred in the area, and give each country in the region the economic freedom to focus more on its internal population's needs, and reduce the demogogary that the other states in the region use to keep their populations focused on Israel, and off their leaders failures. I believe that any form of success in Iraq, will fundamentally change the Middle East situation, and we don't need one drop of oil from Iraq to make it happen.

As for Bushes comments about terrorism; the Italians, the Spanish, the Turks, and the Japanese know he is bulletproof right. And even Kofi Anon (sp?) has admitted, that after the UNs failure to act in the Balkans, America had no reason to suspect they would do any better in the Middle East. And of course, no-one has ever provided me with the name of ANYONE who stated the Iraqis DID NOT have WMD prior to the war (Weapons Inspectors, UN Observers, Diplomats, Congressmen, Senators, ad nausem).

But like almost everyone on this thread, I can't wait until Dean is the Democratic nominee...

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