Hillary Clinton was foremost among the Democrats who agreed with the Bush decision to bomb Iraq just like all of the other Democrats. This means she is just as guilty as any Republican. Name me one noteworthy Democrat who stood up one year ago and really challenged Bush? I don`t like Bush, but all the Democrats were cowards and not one of them deserve to become president. It`s a little too late now to voice disagreement with the Bush administration. Hillary on the other hand is quite an actress and her going to Iraq one day after the cowardly Bush visit simply highlights how farcical and cynical American politics have become. There is simply no level to which any of them will not stoop to win favour with the electorate. In closing, I would not claim that I don`t feel Hillary has been dishonest, but anyone who had kept pace with Time Magazine during her husband`s tenure as president would surely been aware that she was certainly most devious. When I see that an Austrian called Schwarzenegger can become governor of one of American`s most important states, I`m afraid that it is very difficult to take Americans seriously any more. In other words, I now firmly believe, Bush will be re-elected, and this time with a legal majority. JB Vote in Bush again if you want, there doesn`t seem to be anyone or anything better out there anyway. JB