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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bob Landry Steve Parkes is in Alberta (14) RE: Steve Parkes is in Alberta 19 Aug 99

Hey, Steve, glad to hear you had a good time. You can tell Beckie, the spelling error is noted; I shan't make the same mistake twice. Sounds like Beckie shares an obsession with my Sweetie, Carol Imelda ...

Names? Starting with you and moving to the left: Steve Parkes (guitar and vocals), Steve Poole (harps, harmonicas and vocals), Bob Morin (guitar, bass and vocals), Mike Sheward (electric guitar and vocals), Paul Landry (beer), Ray Evans (beer), Bob Landry (guitar and vocals), Leeann (Sheye), Leeann's sweetie (his name?? Leeann ... help?? Please forgive me??), Maureen, Carol, and back to you. In and out of the room and the house were Beckie, Erin and Lauren. I've forgotten the order we sat in when Maureen took the pictures.

Dan, taxi fares haven't gone up that much - $7 should still do it (the perimeter only a 20 block drive.) And the tiger cage is gone, replaced by the bungee jump in the water park, the golf driving range on the roof, and its' newest attraction, Carol's daughter, Lauren, who recently landed a part-time job at Silver City, the Mall's third and largest movie theatre complex. The dolphin pool is still there, and having been in the vicinity during mating season, I can attest to the veracity of the fellow who complained this week about an attempted rape foisted on him by a dolphin.

Note to other MudCatters: if you plan to visit West Edmonton Mall in the future, please let me know ... you'll be within 20 minutes of my house.


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