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GUEST,BB BS: Need Glasgow advice - late Jan 04 (14) BS: Need Glasgow advice - late Jan 04 04 Jan 04

I'm a trad singer in Portsmouth, NH, who is off to Glasgow for a week beginning 21 Jan 04. I've been there twice, so I feel comfortable poking about, but I'd love some advice on finding things I won't be able to find without assist.
Namely, and #1: any trad sessions that involve singing? If no singing, any trad sessions at all?
Also, where do I purchase quality tea to bring home? We get all the usual Twinings, Fortnum/Mason, etc. in tins here, but I'd like good loose tea in many varieties, from a good tea shop.
I'll be at the Celtic Connections fest (my reason for going abroad at this lovely time of year), and perhaps someone knows of some good gig that is part of that fest, or tangent to the fest, that one would not ordinarily think of going to.
My pals Bat Goddess and Curmudgeon, of our own trad session here in Portsmouth, told me to post my query here, and we're all hoping someone would like to give their opinions and advice.
Thanks in advance, and see you in Glasgow in 3 weeks!

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