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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,ella BS: On the cowardly nature of GUEST postings (217* d) RE: BS: On the cowardly nature of GUEST postings 06 Jan 04

Bill D --- I think you hit the proverbial nail, when you wrote "non- member", I thought this was about anon guests? You aren't really happy with any sort of guest are you?

Some of you object to non-members, some object to anon guests, some of you object to everyone who has a differing opinion to your own ; so it is difficult to know who your gripe is actually with. But more of you are in touch with reality, and have a sense of perspective on this.

When I post here, I really don't intend to mortally offend anyone by not putting my real name. But lately I have seen far more posts about guests, than by guests.They maybe were a problem for you in the past, but it doesn't appear to be so now? Not that I read absolutely everything here, but I have just not come across any of the scurrilous posts referred to above. And it appears they were members at the time anyway, or maybe I have misinterpreted that?

Some of the guest postings are pure quick wittedness, and really add fine humor to the forum. I think it would be far duller without them.

Perhaps we should hope that the trouble you once had from disgruntled members has disappeared, and embrace everyone.

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