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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JB BS: Michael Moore 'Dude' (35) RE: BS: Michael Moore 'Dude' 07 Jan 04

Well Guest,

To the cowardly Mr Guest,

Firstly it stinks that you don`t even have the balls to introduce yourself as anything other than guest.

Regarding your comment:

" Moore is just another asshole with an agenda, and the ability to procreate media.

Unfortunately it will be people like you who will probably ensure that GW Bush will be re-elected.

Did you actually ever read any of his books or are you chancing your arm here. If you have something concrete to protest about his writings, then spit it out son, otherwise I will have to assume you are another one of those Americans who know so much but have read so little.


Come out of your hole you Mr guest and proclaim yourself.

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