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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,James BS: Ain't it the truth? ( for teachers) (76* d) RE: BS: Ain't it the truth? ( for teachers) 27 Jan 04

I have posted here earlire as a guest..regarding twelve weeks vacation that as I teacher I don't and never have gotten. I just want to disassociate myself from those other guests.
   I love my work as a teacher and am very good at it but I feel that we do have legitimate complaints..among them;

Parents who abdicate all responsibility and then expect schools to pick up the slack. These Parents call us whiners.

School Boards who keep adding programs so that parents don't have to cope with many of the child's problems then do not provide the wherewithal to implement the program.

People who glibly say.."if you don"t like it get out". It is because we do like it and value it that we don't get out. If only we could just get on with teaching and send the armchair experts packing..we can only dream.

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