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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Finnegan's Wake (progressive folk group) (1) Finnegan's Wake 05 Sep 99

Subj: A Longshot Date: 99-09-03 16:49:02 EDT From: Prospub To:

Dear Friend:

About two years ago during my first and only trip to Ireland, we went into a Pub in Cork called, I think, The Black Bush located I believe on Oliver Plunkett Street or something very close to that. If I inadvertently misspell or damage a name, no disrespect. I'm operating from memory.

Anyway, we were more than a little impressed by a progressive folk group called Finnegan's Wake. Their music was very insistent that everyone listen and everyone did. As I have said many times since, their music was so dominant and interpretative that it made me feel for the first time that I was truly Irish.

Now, I'm coming back to Ireland next month but I can't find out anything about Finnegan's Wake. Did they disband? Change their name? Perhaps I overrated them, but I think not. Any information about this group will be much appreciated.

Sincerely, Jerome Welch

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