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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Claymore BS: Kerry and the Supreme Court (64* d) RE: BS: Kerry and the Supreme Court 17 Feb 04

Nerd, I tried your blue clicky and my computer went to La-la Land. But the photo I saw was in the Washington Times and had Kerry back several feet from Fonda, who was in the forground, so I suspect from the attached descriptions it was the real one.

As for Guest from NW comments about "admitting you have no way of knowing either what happened in the south or what sources kerry may have had for his statements. in other words, your entire paragraph regarding your service is irrelevant to the issues" is massive truth to the contrary. Kerry was generalizing from his limited exposure in the country. I was pointing out that in my AO this was not the case. And it becomes even more revelant than any comment you could make or adopt because, unless I miss my guess, YOU WERN'T THERE. If Kerry did not give concrete examples of what he saw or experienced, he was simply parroting the leftist line, which I guess in Massachusetts passes for revealed truth.

And as for your later comment about Ann Coulter commentary; "we all can read and form opinions about as opposed to the other situation in which a generalized group is attached to an action", I would suggest you reread what you have written, take a look at the above paragraph, then look up the word "hypocrisy". You damn yourself out of your own mouth...

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