The review I read suggests that this film was made to appeal to a specific section of the community - males of the age and type of the characters in the film. I suppose that there is some rationale there in catering to a minority group - there have been a number of lottery grants given for this purpose. In view of the publicity this film has been given it might just make money as people may go to see it just to see what the fuss is about. I have been fortunate enough to not tocome across Mr Vegas until he started to push the film and, from the chat show appearances I've seen, would not want to see very much of him again, but I suppose that he must have something going for him as far as other people are concerned. It does seem rather unfair that someone like that can get public funding when so many others are struggling - sometimes it just seems to be the luck of the draw with no real logic to the decisions. All we can do is vote with our feet on things we don't agree with.