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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Claymore Winter Fest Morgantown Feb 27 (8) RE: Winter Fest Morgantown Feb 27 22 Feb 04

Annie, if you're coming through the Panhandle, drop in at O'Hurleys General Store in Shepherdstown, WV (just up the Potomac from Harpers Ferry, and across the river from Antietim). If you there on a Thursday night, you're welcome to join us at an Old Time and Celtic jam that has been going for twenty five years. Give Jay Hurley a call (304) 876-6907, for more info.

There is also an Old Time/Irish jam on Monday nights at the Old Frederick Coffee House, on Shab Row in Frederick, MD. Call Janean Martin (301) 540-2092 for more info.

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