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GUEST,emily rain songs about abortion (118* d) RE: songs about abortion 15 Mar 04

Prodigal Daughter
(written in and around the old fiddle tune Cotton Eyed Joe by Michelle Shocked)

what's to be done with a prodigal son?
welcome him home with open arms
throw a big party invite your friends
our boy's come back home
when a girl goes home with the oats he's sown
it's draw your shades and your shutters
she's bringin' such shame to the family name
the return of a prodigal daughter
oh cotton eyed joe

i went to see a doctor and i almost died
when i told my mama lordy how she cried
me and my daddy were never too close
but he was there when i needed him most
look here comes a prodigal son
fetch him a tall drink of water
but there's none in the cup cause he drank it all up
left for a prodigal daughter
oh cotton eyed joe

if it had not've been for the cotton eyed joe
i'd have been married a long time ago
oh i'd have been married a long time ago

out in the cornfield i stubbed my toe
i called for the doctor cotton eyed joe
i called for the doctor cotton eyed joe


Sally's Pigeons
(sung (written?) by Cyndi Lauper)

When I was eight I had a friend
With a pirate smile
Make believe and play pretend
We were innocent and wild
Hopped a fence and slammed the gate
Running down my alleyway
In time to watch Sally's pigeons fly

We loved to watch them dive and soar
Circle in the sky
Free as a bird from three to four
And never knowing why
Neighbors pulled their wash back in
Put away my Barbie and Ken
Look out overhead
While Sally's pigeons fly

I had a fool's confidence
That the world had no boundaries
But instincts and common sense
Come in different quantities

My heart began to
Skip to the beat
Of the boy next door
She had her eye across the street
On someone shy and tall
We lived our dreams
And challenged fate
In tears she told me she was late
And Sally let his pigeons out to fly...

On the dresser sits a frame
With a photograph
Two little girls in ponytails
Some twenty one years back
She left one night with just a nod
Was lost from some back alley job
I close my eyes and Sally's pigeons fly
She never saw those birds again
And me, I can't remember when
A pirate smile hasn't made me cry
I close my eyes
And Sally's pigeons fly...

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