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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Arnie Naiman An Open Letter to Rick Fielding (64* d) RE: An Open Letter to Rick Fielding 24 Mar 04

I don't need to write down here all the things that I've been thinking about you since you departed. You don't really need an internet connection to realise that do you? Fact is I can't stop thinking about you and the great things I know you for, and I think many of us here are going through the same darn thing. I picked up a new banjo for Chris Coole today from Bill Rickard, and one of the first things that I thought of was that I wish YOU could check it out right away, give your opinion, and get the story behind it all. You KNOW that boy plays some good banjo thanks to you. I love your new CD. The cut with Trishka is classic - but I gotta tell ya High On The Mountain just about does me in. I'm gonna really miss your pickin around here and your presence behind those strings and songs that only you had. Remember your solo concert in Cobourg a few years back? - That was the best I ever heard or saw you- such an engaging and professional performance - brilliant command of the audiences attention with your music and stories- and that tune you played with the big Gibson mandola was friggin amazing! There are a lot of young folks now in T.O. who can really play as you know, and there'll be some awesome music coming around , and a lot of that is due to you spreading the music. I appreciate all the chances you gave me and Kathy and Chris, and all the support and the occasional but meaningful friendship we had. You're gonna be with me in my musical journey from time to time - you know that, so I'll be talking to often.
And I do cherish our Ragged But Right leather masterpiece which I intend to put to good use.
By the way , is Charlie Poole there- and how does he play like that?

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