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Mark Roffe Dan Milner (Liam's Brother) in No. Calif (16) RE: Dan Milner (Liam's Brother) in No. Calif 16 Sep 99

Yep, the concert at Joe's house was much fun. Dan has one of those Irish voices that sounds like it's experienced every word it sings. Bob's banjo playing was gorgeous, and his open-tuned guitar picking was deep and resonant (contributed to by the fact that he was playing the Goodall guitar that Ginny bought me!!). These gentlemen were as interested in their audience as they were interested in the singers - Bob spent too much of his break time teaching me some banjo tunings and picking styles. Thanks, Bob and Dan. Rarely has so much talent travelled so far to play so much for so few. And thanks, Joe, for hosting the event.

Mark Roffe

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