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Mark Roffe Obit: Moondog is dead (1916-1999) (22) RE: Moondog is dead 16 Sep 99

Wait, let me get this straight: was Moondog the guy I always used to see standing around in Manhattan in the '60's who was quite tall, bearded, long-haired, and was dressed as a Viking, helmet, spear (or trident?), and all?
I had no idea he was a musician. I thought he was just panhandling. He seemed so quiet and so powerful. I'd stare at him and wonder how he became how he was, but I never spoke to him.

My freshman psychology book actually had a photo of him labeled "mendicant," and I used to look at it and think "is that what he is?"

Now I've got to hear his music. The NY Times link at the beginning of this thread no longer leads to that day's issue, and lists no obituaries. Anyone know where to find more info on Moondog? All I can find at all is at

Mark Roffe

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