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SueB Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (36) RE: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 07 Apr 04

Typo above, that should have been The Majestic, not Mr. Majestic.

I thought I'd see what The New Yorker film critic had to say about
Eternal Sunshine. Here's a quote: "Carrey's latest effort to elude, or at least refine, his looney persona is more sincere than it is convincing, and it is left to Winslet, at once fierce and footloose, to carry the show."

I'm still going to see it, it does sound very interesting, but at least if I find that I'm not bowled over by Carrey's performance, I know that there's at least one other person out there who doesn't GET Jim Carrey, so I don't have to feel alone in that respect. Thank heavens. I'd hate to be out on a limb on this one.

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