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GUEST,stefan Lyr Req: Unclaimed Pint (50) RE: Lyr Req: Unclaimed Pint 21 Apr 04

hi there!

thanks a lot for the permission - at the moment I'm trying to fix my own tune around the lyrics - unfortunatly my computer can't play music, so I couldn't listen to your tune...
we are planning to record a cd but this will take some time - guess it will be released in autumn 2004. For sure I will send a copy to you barbara - and for the very unlikely case that we will be rich rockstars because of that song - you can move in our big house on the bahamas :-)
soon I will register on mudcat - maybe then conversation is easier! I would like to post some of my lyrics here as well - I'm obviously no native speaker, so it would be very helpful for me to have some people looking at them!

nice greetings from feldkirch, austria!


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