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Deda Winnie the Pooh (48) RE: BS: Winnie the Pooh 01 Aug 04

My 28 year old daughter memorized "When I was one I had just begun, when I was two, I was nearly new...", and various other AA Milne poems. Our favorites for reading out loud were "King John was not a good man," and the one about the butter for the royal slice of bread. My now 6-year-old grandson has all the little disney figurines and books, but his mother and uncle and I will see to it that he gets a full dose of the originals. And as a part-time Latin tutor/teacher, I have a coulple of copies of "Winnie Ille Pu" and "Winnie Ille Pu Semper Ludet" (Latin version of "House at Pooh Corner") -- as well as "Ferdinandus Taurus", "Regulus" (the little Prince), and Cattus Petastatus (The cat in the hat), inter alia.

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