Larry K, you raise an interesting point; I have beeen saying for some time that I expect the best debate will be between the Vice Presidental candidates, though I will be rooting for Cheney. And as the date is set for the release of the book, "Unfit for Command" a book allegedly debunking Kerry's wartime reocrd, we shall have to see what happens next. Writing as a former Marine officer in Vietnam, I feel that Kerry's testimony debased even the best efforts of everyone who served there. And for collecting a Purple Heart for a wound that required tweezers to remove what Kerry said was shrapnel, and the treated with first aid cream; hell, I bled more from my mosquito bites... And for those who are interested, there is a letter from a friend of mine who was a POW at the "Hanoi Hilton" during Kerry's Senate testimony which details the torture he underwent as his interrogator used direct quotes from Kerrys testimony, given apparently only days before, in 72. Kerry has much to answer for... This one ain't over 'til it's over. (At least until Bush pulls Osama from a hole in the ground...)