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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
j0_77 Tablature vs. Defining Your Own Style (18) RE: Tablature vs. Defining Your Own Style 19 Oct 99

Here is something that sometimes yeilds a great result, take a piece off another instrument or ensemble and try adopt that to the Guitar. I know it may not always work but when it does, the work is well worth the effort.

For example a march played by a Braas band can sound very beautiful when set for the finger picked Guitar. I have some problems with a rolling bass line but it can be done.

Some remarks on thumb routines for setting a March for Guitar.

The base line for a tune in C fingering would perhaps be G G /C G C G/ etc. Playing true to a Piano arr would also require the Thumb to strike the 'UPBEAT' as well so assuming a mini chord at g/c for that beat we now have, G(gc)G(gc)/C(gc)G(gc)C(gc)G(gc)/ etc. As you can see this would be fairly hard to keep up as well as play a melody on the free string E, and grabbing what you can off of the B string on the DOWNBEAT and OFFBEAT. Happily when these notes are dropped and one keeps the thumbed notes, the tune is still intact. There is also the option to jazz these 'clashing notes'. :0)

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