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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
j0_77 BS: What do you miss from the old country? (70* d) RE: BS: What do you miss from the old country? 20 Oct 99

Either or decisions decisions - Bert what have you just gone and done - when on the other side o the pond I miss Pecons, Biscuits an Gravey, Barbecue. Apple stuff, El Rancho Burgers, Dr Pepper, 4 way stops, Park Wardens, Gas Station Coffee, but on this side - my dearest wish if for ..... Pork Pie an chips, Cornish Pasties ouuuuuuu and soggy fish-n-chips (after a soccer match) - especialy at this time of year. Yup been spoiled :0) As I do not drink I have no idea what to mention but remark that on St Pats I got two Bottles of Newcastle Brown and enjoyed that rare flavour. Used to drink Winter Royal as a medicinal potion, please don't ask what it is - if you don't already know. Tried different 'tipples' here and like Jack Daniels and Busch.

Who was Bobby Charlton? Len Fairclough ? Ena Sharpels? Dave Allen ? Tommy Cooper ? Also, who loved Sooty and Sweep ?

Who remembers the first Mini? The old Austin/MG/Morris cars? Especialy the ones with the noddy headlights, while on transportation how bout the Matchless Motorcycle. Woodbines/Scrumpy, Guy Fawkes, LBW?.

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