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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
j0_77 BS: What do you miss from the old country? (70* d) RE: BS: What do you miss from the old country? 21 Oct 99

My cookie is broke :0( hmmm, - Den you get first prize. I would have to think about the 'snug' at the Rovers Return a bit, but as much as I loved other shows Coronation Street was the best. Tommy C yup! BTW There is a similar person around these days but he is not a comedian - he could a great one too.

Never laughed so much in years, The Prince of Darkeness - where do you get that stuff? Youuch - recall a Velocette motorcycle with sidecar and Lucas on - the headlight was a sort of amber color all the time so when out in the country at night it got a little dodgy, I must say after I rebuilt a 51 and installed all new wires Lucas was alll bright and shiney.

Re the colcannon - I grew upeating that and yorksire pudding - mushy pease -

Reading the Oz guys makes me wanna up git - I suppose I'll be dead long enough, what the heck - hey Alison, Bugsy, Alan of OZ - I am makin plans - can't be any hotter than 110 in the shade - ie Oklahoma in August.

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