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GUEST,JB BS: The bushettes (68* d) RE: BS: The bushettes 04 Sep 04

If you think it was embarrasing listening to the Bush twins, then how about listening to Arnold the Terminator speaking with a thick Austro-German accent.

Comedians often spend long periods of time researching material for their shows and here it was, all packed into one evening`s entertainment.

I now firmly believe that apart from a miracle, Bush will win the election `04 because he is a master at avoiding the issues. This was clearly demonstrated at the GOP convention when all those cowboys present seemed to go wild when Bush just touched on the issues but kept pouding the big message of "we are strong, we make our own decisions and we don`t need fucking France or the UN for that matter to help us make up our mind". Boy, that went down a treat and there he was, poor ould Mr. gentleman Kerry whinging on about how sad he is that they (the republicans) just keek throwing shit at him while at the same time avoiding the issues.

For heaven`s sake John Kerry, get wise and start throwing a bit of sh.t back or you will simply keep slip-sliding away.


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